Oct 10 , 2018
Why we are raising funds for Team Rubicon in 2018

By now many of you know our Minuteman watch brand has been raising funds for Charity Team Rubicon in 2018. Some of you may still be wondering why we selected this charity. As many of you know we created the Minuteman watch brand to raise funds for charities that help veterans and their families. Team Rubicon is largely made up of former military. Many of these veterans have struggled after their service to reintegrate with the civilian word. This is from the Team Rubicon website.
"The physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness of our country’s returning veterans are of national importance. As our veterans have returned home, many have experienced challenges navigating the transition back into civilian life.
While there are real and difficult issues plaguing our veterans – a lack of resources and understanding around mental health, homelessness, unemployment – Team Rubicon does not see our veterans as broken. At Team Rubicon, veterans are the agent of our mission, not the object.
By engaging our veterans in continued service through disaster response, not only does Team Rubicon provide relief to affected communities, but many veteran volunteers begin to regain the purpose, community, and identity that is difficult to find upon leaving the armed forces."
So Team Rubicon has come up with a way to help our veterans and help people just like you who have been devastated by disaster. Were talking people that have their homes etc damaged by tornadoes, hurricanes, major fires, major flooding, earthquakes, etc.
Rather than try to explain why we were drawn to Team Rubicon we think the folks at Team Rubicon can better tell you about who they are and what they do. If you don't read anything else about the charity that we are going to point to in this post. Please take the time to at least watch this video in full.
If you have made it this far you should now have a much better understanding for our reason to choose to raise funds for this great charity. They are helping more people than most any other charity we can thinking if and doing that in a way we feel is unique and highly effective.
We know your busy and your time is limited but if you have some free time we suggest you read some of the stories Team Rubicon has on their blog.
Here is an excerpt from one recent post titled "Surviving Hurricane Florence and a Tornado"
"Sometimes Team Rubicon comes to the rescue and the homeowners we have come to serve don’t know who we are or how we found them. Such was the case with retired couple George and Dorothy Najarian, of Havelock, North Carolina. An Operation Silver Sun sawyer team arrived at the Najarian’s residence on the morning of September 21, much to the homeowners’ surprise.
More than three dozen trees, mostly Norfolk pines, had cracked and fell during Hurricane Florence. Dorothy said, “We saw the damage from Hurricane Irene and expected to have downed trees but this is unbelievable.” An employee from the power company told the Najarians that the felled trees were not caused by the 140+ mph winds nor the record rainfall, but a tornado that happened during the hurricane which blew through their property on the Neuse River."
We suggest you read the rest of this post on the Team Rubicon site here.
At this point you may be asking how we are raising funds for Team Rubicon. We are doing this by selling our Minuteman brand watches and sending part of the proceeds to the charity.
So we are able to send more money to the charity we don't have any full time employees and spend very little on marketing. Our watches are assembled in very small batches in the US by a highly skilled American watchmaker with over 30 years of experience.
Our watches are designed and built with high quality materials to provide a lifetime of service. We do not make cheap throw away products. All of our Minuteman watches are serviceable and repairable. If you would like to own a quality watch that is assembled in the United States of America and help a us raise funds for a great charity. We suggest you check out our Minuteman brand watches here. If you can not afford one of our current watches we understand and suggest you consider making a donation direct to Team Rubicon.
In closing we thank you for taking the time to read about Team Rubicon and our Minuteman brand.